自助仓租赁协议条款和条件 (请认真阅读以下自助仓租赁协议条件,签署本协议即表示接受如下条件) 租赁 1. 用户: (a) 有权在租赁的且由趣存分配的存放单元自助存放物品; (b) 确认对存放单元的使用符合本合同的约定及法律规定; (c) 应提供自己真实有效的身份信息及有效身份证件(身份证、护照、台胞证、驾驶证等)照片或扫描件(如为企业用户,则应提供营业执照、法定代表人身份证件、代理人身份证件和授权委托书的照片或扫描件)。 2. 趣存: (a) 根据本合同约定为用户提供存放单元以存放物品; (b) 仅为用户提供存放单元而不占有存放物品; (c) 有权经书面通知后,要求用户更换存放单元,但新存放单元需与原存放单元大小相似(或更大的),用户应在收到趣存通知后五日内将其存放物品移至新存放单元。 费用 3. 用户应在签订本合同时向趣存支付: (a) 租赁服务费:提前支付租赁期限内的租赁服务费;所有预付的租赁服务费将不予退还。 保证金:保证金不是预付的租赁服务费及其他费用,用户不得要求以保证金用作抵扣租赁服务费。一旦用户未履行其在本合同中或法律规定的义务或责任,趣存可使用全部或部分保证金以支付用户拖欠的本合同项下到期款项、滞纳金、违约金等。本合同租赁期限届满,用户依据本合同第23条返还存放单元并经趣存确认,在抵扣用户应支付的费用(如有)后,趣存以银行转账或其他方式无息退还保证金剩余部分; 4. 根据本合同约定,用户还应支付: (a) 逾期滞纳金:在用户未按照本合同约定支付租赁服务费时,用户应支付逾期滞纳金,最低按照月租赁服务费的10%/月计算; (b) 违约金:如用户提前终止/解除本合同、逾期支付租赁服务费或违反本合同其他条款导致趣存终止本合同的,趣存有权没收全额保证金及所有预付租赁服务费作为违约赔偿金,如该等保证金及预付租赁服务费无法弥补趣存遭受或承担的损失(包括但不限于律师费、诉讼费等),用户需予以补足; (c) 如在本合同终止时用户未能按趣存的要求使存放单元处于清洁和良好的可使用状态,则应支付清洁费; (d) 在发生拖欠时按照本合同约定支付拖欠的租赁服务费; (e) 因用户使用存放单元不当造成相关设施设备损坏的修理费; (f) 趣存在清收上述费用时发生和承担的任何费用(含律师费、诉讼费等)。 逾期支付租赁服务费 5. 用户逾期支付租赁服务费或其他费用的,趣存有权锁闭该存放单元以阻止用户进入,无论之前是否已给出正式催款通知,直至用户付清所有欠付的租赁服务费、逾期滞纳金等费用。 6. 用户逾期支付租赁服务费超过30天的,趣存有权立即终止本合同,收回存放单元并保有依据本合同第4条、第26条追究用户违约责任之权利。 使用存放单元的条件 7. 用户同意遵守《趣存注意事项及管理条例》(“条例”)。用户违反条例或本合同约定存放物品,给趣存或者他人造成损失的,须全额赔偿一切损失。用户: (a) 不得存放以下物品: 1) 枪械、武器、弹药、毒品等违反国家法律规定的违禁品; 2) 盗窃或受贿所得或其他非法取得的赃物、犯罪工具; 3) 液体物品(如水、油、含酒精类液体、油脂、油漆或任何有异味的物品等)(注:前述对含酒类液体中酒类的限制不适用于万般酒库用户); 4) 危险、有毒有害、非法、违禁、易腐烂、易燃、易爆或易污染环境的物品、动物、具腐蚀性、放射性、挥发性物品、可能腐烂发霉或引发蛀虫鼠害的物品等(包括但不限于新鲜食物或易腐货物、鸟类、鱼类、宠物、植物、固体酒精或任何其他生物、生物试剂、雷管、烟花爆竹、压缩空气、爆炸物、易燃材料、大容量蓄电池、锂电池等储能设备及法律法规明确禁止或趣存认为有损其正常经营的物品); 5) 金银、珠宝、钻石、玉器、首饰、古币、古玩、古书、古画、邮票、字画、艺术品、稀有金属等珍贵财物; 6) 货币、票证、有价证券以及有现金价值的磁卡、集成电路(IC)卡等卡类; 7) 纸质及技术资料、计算机软件、计算机数据资料等无法鉴定价值的财产; 8) 总重量高于200公斤/平方米。 (b) 不得带入或存放任何会给存放单元所有者及其他用户带来干扰、不便、伤害或损害的物品,或会引起他人有理由投诉的物品。 (c) 应自行负责存放单元的安全安保,并在离开存放单元时以趣存接受的方式随时负责其安全安保,确保存放单元的安全。趣存对存放单元内物品不承担安保和看管义务。 (d) 不得将存放单元用于存放物品之外的其他用途,不得用于举办任何其它活动,尤其不得用于居住、办公或其它不符合本合同约定的其它用途。 (e) 不得擅自使用任何大功率用电设备或充电设备。 (f) 不能将任何废品或垃圾随意丢弃在存放单元或周围的地方,并应确保存放单元的洁净,处于良好的可使用状态。否则,趣存可以从用户的保证金中扣取清洁费及/或处理费,或征收额外的清洁费。 (g) 只能将公共区域用于通道,且在任何时候不得阻挡公共区域或到其它存放单元的通道,趣存对于用户放置于公共区域的物品不承担安保和看管义务,并有权及时清理公共区域。 (h) 未经趣存事先书面同意,用户不得对存放单元及附属设施设备进行任何修正、改造或安装、摆放、粘贴任何物品(如电线、钩子、钉子、把手等)。 用户如违反上述关于存放物的禁止规定的,应承担因此造成的一切损失和责任。同时,用户对其雇员、受托人、代理人的行为承担责任。如因其雇员、受托人、代理人的行为给趣存或者他人造成损害的,用户应承担全部赔偿责任。
8. 本合同签署前,用户已详细了解了存放单元的存储环境和条件。如用户拟存放对存储环境有特定要求的物品的,应自行做好相应的存放保护措施(如干燥、防霉等措施),否则因此造成的损失由用户自行承担,趣存对此不承担任何责任。 风险和责任 9. 存放单元内存放物品的风险完全由用户承担。趣存仅根据本合同第11条约定对存放物的损失或损坏承担赔偿责任。 10. 如果用户未为存放物购买保险或保额不足的,因此产生的责任由用户自行承担。趣存不承担存放物因任何原因造成的损失,包括但不限于由于潮湿、霉菌、锈蚀、泄漏、病虫害或其它变质造成的损失。趣存可协助用户或其代理人调查并提供必要的协助和配合。 | 11. 趣存已为存放单元所属项目购买了保险,如因趣存原因造成存放物损失的,趣存在保险赔付范围内承担赔偿责任,但用户需提供合法的物品价值证明文件(发票、合同、付款凭证、物品受损前后处于存储单元的对比照片或视频及保险公司要求的其他证明材料)。 12. 除非用户预先向趣存给出书面授权,否则存放物的搬入和搬出只能由用户实施。用户及其授权人必须负有遵守并履行本合同的责任。因手机或微信被盗用,未上锁,或未及时挂失造成的个人财产损失,由用户承担全部责任。如用户授权趣存(包括其员工)保存钥匙/密码或进入租赁的存储单元,趣存不承担存放物丢失、损失、损坏等赔偿责任。 13. 由于用户对存放单元的使用,包括存放物在存放单元中的存放,而造成趣存或第三方的任何财产损失或人身伤害时,用户同意使趣存免于面临任何权利主张且应赔偿趣存所承担的损失。 14. 用户同意遵守有关存放单元使用的中国国家以及地方法律、法规、部门规章和地方规定等,并同意遵守趣存有关存放的各种规定。因违反这些法律、法规、存放规定等而产生的责任包括由此产生的各种费用、趣存因此遭到行政处罚或其他损失由用户承担及赔偿,以使趣存免于遭受损失。 15. 如趣存发现存放物可能影响趣存的正常经营,趣存应书面通知用户,用户应予以解释或说明或采取必要的行动。如在趣存书面通知后3日内用户未予以回应的,趣存有权采取必要的行动以保护趣存的合法权益。如趣存发现存放物违法的,趣存有权立即报请国家权力机关,由国家权力机关决定是否采取强制行动。为避免疑义,趣存保留在紧急情况下为保护趣存的合法权益或社会公共利益,不经事先通知用户对存放物采取其认为必要的行动的权利,但应事后立即通知用户。因此产生的所有费用均由用户自行承担。 16. 因趣存系全球性跨国集团企业,总部位于新加坡,为更好更全面地服务于用户,趣存可能通过集团总部指定的境外服务商提供用户服务和支持,且为集团运营管理需要,趣存可能将用户向趣存提供的个人信息及与趣存交流信息提供给集团总部或总部指定的境外的数据服务商,用户对此予以同意。 17. 用户已审慎阅读、充分理解趣存官网(https://www.storhub.cn/)、微信小程序发布的《用户服务协议》、《隐私政策》、《免责声明》各条款内容。用户使用趣存的产品/服务以及行使和履行本合同项下的权利和义务即视为已同意并认可该等条款内容项下对用户个人信息的收集、使用、披露、存储等规定。 18. 在政府部门机构(包括但不限于公安、消防、安质监等部门)要求进入用户存放单元进行检查时,趣存有权打开存放单元,配合相关政府部门机构的检查。如因用户存放非法物品导致存放物被有关政府机构进行查封、扣押的,全部责任由用户承担,趣存不承担任何责任,并有权要求用户赔偿损失。 通知 19. 任何通知都应以书面方式做出,为免疑义,书面方式包括以微信、电子邮件、短信、传真、快递等。 20. 用户填写的手机号码视为趣存可以联系用户的联系方式。 21. 用户应预留紧急联络人的联系方式以便趣存与其沟通用户的相关事宜。在用户或用户预留的紧急联络人的地址和联系方式发生变化时,应立即通知趣存。如用户没有尽到通知义务的,因此造成趣存无法送达通知的责任由用户自行承担。 22. 在用户或用户预留的紧急联络人的地址和联系方式发生变化时,应在7日内书面通知趣存。如用户没有尽到通知义务的,因此造成趣存无法送达通知的责任由用户自行承担。 终止 23. 本合同不论以任何方式解除、终止,用户均应于本合同终止日主动清空、清洁存放单元并将存放单元恢复至存放开始的状态(正常损耗除外)后返还给趣存。否则,视为用户放弃其对存放单元物品的所有权,趣存有权直接进入存放单元清理、处置存放单元内的物品并更换存放单元密码或在存放单元上锁,趣存对因此引起的物品损坏及用户损失概不负责。趣存有权通过没收保证金、进入存放单元将存放物拍卖、变卖的方式处置存放物,并用拍卖、变卖所获得的价款用于抵扣用户的欠款,不足抵扣的部分,趣存还有权聘请任何律师或清债机构进行清收。拍卖、变卖所产生的费用及聘请律师或清债机构产生的费用均由用户承担。 24. 本合同终止后用户对存放单元延期占用的,或用户擅自占用其他存放单元的,趣存可随时终止该等占用,用户除仍应履行该延期占用期间本合同规定的义务和责任外,还应按照二倍租赁服务费的标准向趣存支付延期占用费。 25. 趣存有权经书面通知用户后终止本合同,且无需向用户承担赔偿责任。趣存无法联系到用户时,趣存可向紧急联络人发出书面通知。 26. 用户发生违法、重大违约或对趣存正常经营有重大损害的行为时,趣存可以立即终止本合同而无需给出通知。用户发生违反本合同或条例规定的行为,且在趣存发出通知后5日内仍未纠正的,趣存有权书面通知用户解除本合同,收回存放单元,并没收保证金(如有)及预付租赁服务费作为违约金,如违约金不足以弥补趣存损失的,用户应当予以补足,本合同于趣存发出解除通知之日终止。 27. 用户在此声明,放弃在上述情况下对趣存处置对用户而言有特殊情感价值的存放物品而提起任何权利主张、诉讼、要求或损失赔偿的权利。 28. 双方在本合同下有关欠款、财产损坏、人身伤害及法律责任方面的义务在本合同终止后仍继续有效。 其他 29. 无论本合同其他约定如何,在发生紧急情况时,即趣存认为财产、环境或生命安全或公共利益受到威胁时,趣存可以使用所有必要手段立即进入存放单元而无需取得用户的预先同意,但应尽快通知用户。 30. 未经趣存事先书面同意,用户不得转让其在本合同项下的权利和义务。 31. 趣存或其员工的口头声明不构成本合同内容。趣存没有或延迟执行其在本合同下的权利时不视为已放弃这些权利。 32. 如趣存在本合同期限内出售存放单元或存放单元所在整体物业的,用户对存放单元放弃优先购买权。 33. 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律(不包括台湾、香港、澳门地区法律)。 34. 因本合同产生的及与本合同有关的争议,双方应友好协商解决;如在争议发生后的10日内无法友好协商解决的,任何一方可以向存放单元所在地法院提起诉讼。 35. 趣存公示的(包括墙上张贴、官方网站和微信小程序公示)所有使用规章均构成本合同不可分割的一部分。趣存有权经提前通知用户后更新本合同相关条款,如用户不同意变更的,可停止使用趣存提供的产品或服务。如用户在该等变更生效后继续使用趣存提供的产品或服务的,则视为用户已阅读、理解并接受更新后的合同条款约束。 用户确认已与趣存对本合同的所有条款进行了充分协商,并已认真阅读、充分理解本合同中免除趣存责任或限制用户权利的条款。用户与趣存对本合同条款的理解完全一致,对合同内容没有异议。 |
Terms and Conditions of the Agreement (Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Signing of this Agreement means you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.) Lease 1. The Storer: a) has the right to use the storage space and store goods in the space allocated to the Storer by StorHub; b) confirms that the goods stored in the storage space are not prohibited by this Contract and the laws and regulations; c) should provide their true and valid identification as well as photos or scanned copies of valid identity documents (such as ID card, passport, Taiwan compatriot's card, driver's license, etc.) (for company, photos or scanned copies of business license, legal representative's ID card, agent's ID card and power of attorney should be provided). 2. StorHub: a) provides the storer with storage space in accordance with this Contract. b) only provides storage space for the Storer other than possess the stored goods. c) is entitled to give 5-day prior notice to the Storer to require the Storer to move the stored goods to another designated storage space in same or bigger size than the original storage space. Fee 3. The Storer is required to pay the following fees upon signing of this Contract: a) Rental fee: the storage fee during the term is payable in advance. All prepaid rental fee will not be refunded. b) Security deposit: the deposit shall not constitute any prepayment for rent or any other fee payable, the Storer shall not claim any offset of any amount payable by the Storer, such as rental fee, other fees or liquidated damages, by use of the deposit. In the event that the Storer fails to perform any of its obligations or responsibilities under this Contract or as stipulated in laws and regulations, StorHub shall have the right, but not the obligation, to use all or part of the deposit to pay any amount due and payable by the Storer hereunder but unpaid or compensate StorHub for any loss or expense incurred due to the Storer’s breach. StorHub shall refund the surplus of the deposit to the Storer without interest after the return of storage space in accordance with Clause 23 upon termination of this Contract. 4. In line with this Contract, the Storer will further pay: a) Late charge: if the Storer fails to pay the rental fee in line with this Contract, the Storer is charged a minimum late fee at 10% of the monthly rental fee per month. b) Liquidated damages: If the Storer early terminates this Contract, or StorHub terminates this Contract due to overdue payment or breach of any provision of this Contract by the Storer, StorHub will not return the prepaid rental fee and the deposit (if any) and charge it as a liquidated damage. In the event that the deposit (if any) and the rental fee cannot cover all damages or losses incurred due to the breach, including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, and etc, the Storer shall make up for the deficit. c) Cleaning fee: If the storage space is not in a clean and good condition as required by StorHub, the Storer will be charged a cleaning fee. d) Outstanding payments. e) Repair costs: if the storage facility or equipment is damaged as a result of improper use by the Storer, repair costs will be charged. f) Any costs incurred or borne by StorHub in collection of the aforesaid fees (including but limited to attorney fees, legal fees, and etc. Late Payment of Rental Fee 5. If the Storer delays in payment of any rental fee,no matter whether a payment reminder is given in prior, StorHub is entitled to restrict Storer from entering the storage space by taking measures, i.e. locking the storage space, changing the password, until the Storer pays off all payable fees. 6. If the payment has been overdue for more than 30 days, StorHub shall have the right to terminate this Contract with immediate effect, take back the storage space. The Storer shall be liable for breach of this Contract as provided in Clause 4 and Clause 26. Use of Storage Space 7. The Storer agrees to abide by the Precautions and Regulations applied by StorHub (the “Rules”). The Storer will be liable to indemnify all losses / damages suffered by StorHub or any third party as a result of breach of the aforesaid Rules and this Contract by the Storer. a) Following items are not allowed to be stored: 1) contraband items including firearms, weapons, ammunition, drugs and other articles prohibited by laws and regulations. 2) Swag or guilty tools, i.e. stolen or bribed proceeds, goods illegally obtained and etc. 3) liquid items (such as water, oil, alcohol, grease, paint or any odorous goods, etc.)(Notes: The Storer can store the liquor in the Winebanc’s storage space ); 4) any hazardous, dangerous, illegal, prohibited, perishable, inflammable, explosive or easily polluting environmental goods, animals , corrosive, radioactive, volatile (including but not limited to fresh food or perishable goods, birds, fish, pets, plants, solid alcohol or any other biological, biological reagents, detonators, fireworks, compressed air, explosives, flammable materials, large-capacity batteries, lithium batteries and other energy storage equipment, and any good prohibited by laws and regulations or any other item which StorHub deems as improper for its normal business); 5) items with high value, such as gold and silver, jewelry, diamonds, jade, ancient coins, antiques, ancient books, ancient paintings, stamps, calligraphy and paintings, works of art, rare metals, etc.; 6) currency, securities, magnetic cards with cash value, integrated circuit (IC) cards and other cards; 7) items with intangible value, such as papers and technical data, computer software, computer data; 8) items with a total weight of more than 200kg/㎡. b) Any item which may cause nuisance, annoyance, disturbance, inconvenience or harmfulness or lead to complaint by the third party is not allowed in the storage space. c) The Storer will be solely responsible for security of the storage space in the manner which is acceptable to StorHub. StorHub is not responsible for the safety obligations of the goods. d) The Storer will use the storage space solely for the purpose of storage other than any other purposes; in particular, such space shall not be used for residence, office, holding events. e) The Storer shall not use any high-power electrical or charging device in storage spaces. f) The Storer shall not discard items and rubbish in storage spaces or neighboring spaces. The storage space shall be in clean and good condition. Otherwise, a cleaning and/or a disposal fee will be charged which may be deducted from the Storer’s security deposit. g) Common areas are only used for access, the Storer shall not at any time occupy common areas or hinder or impede the access. StorHub is not responsible for the security of the goods put in any common areas. StorHub may clear away such items when it is needed。 h) Without the prior written consent of Storhub, the Storer shall not make any modifications, installation, placement, or affix any items (such as wires, hooks, nails, handles, etc.) to the storage space and ancillary facilities and equipment.
The Storer will be solely liable for all losses and liabilities resulting from the Storer’s breach of the prohibitions for storage of goods, including its employees, trustees, or agents.
8. Prior to the execution of this Contract, the Storer has fully acknowledged the storage environment and conditions of the storage space. The Storer should take corresponding storage protection measures (such as drying, mold prevention, etc.) if goods stored in the storage space need specific requirements. Otherwise, the losses caused thereby shall be wholly borne by the Storer. Risk and Responsibility 9. Goods are stored at the Storer’s sole risk. StorHub shall only be liable for the loss or damage of the stored goods in accordance with Clause 11 of this Contract. 10. The Storer will be solely responsible for all liabilities (whether the Storer maintains insurance for the stored goods or the insured amount maintained is sufficient or not). StorHub will not be liable with respect to any losses as a consequence of damages to the stored goods, including damages caused by humidity, fungus, mould, mildew, corrosion, spillage of materials, pest or vermin or any deterioration. StorHub will provide necessary assistance in the investigation carried out by the Storer or its agents. | 11. StorHub has purchased insurance for the goods and property. StorHub shall indemnify the Storer, for a maximum amount of the insurance compensation, against losses arising out of damages to the stored goods due to fault or gross negligence by StorHub. However, the Storer must provide substantial proof of the losses (such as invoices, contracts, payment vouchers, comparative photos or videos of the storage space before and after the damage, and other proof materials required by the insurance company). 12. Unless the Storer provides Power of Attorney to StorHub, only the Storer can move in and move out the stored goods. This contract shall be fully abided by both the Storer and the authorized person. The Storer shall be liable with respect to any losses as a consequence of loss of mobile phone, WeChat, username and password. The Storer must procure the security of its storage card, password and keys. In case that the Storer authorizes StorHub (including its staff) to keep the keys or password or access the storage space, StorHub will not be liable to any damages, losses of the stored goods. 13. The Storer agrees to indemnify StorHub or any third parties from and against all losses incurred or sustained by StorHub or the third party as a result of improper use of the storage space by the Storer. The Storer shall exempt StorHub from losses due to any claim by the third party. 14. The Storer acknowledges and agrees to comply with all relevant applicable laws, regulations and requirements of the governmental authorities when using the storage space. The storer shall be liable for all losses (including but not limited to any costs or fines imposed by governmental authorities and etc.) resulting from breach of laws, regulations or requirements by the Storer. 15. StorHub will notify the Storer to provide explanation or take necessary measures when StorHub finds goods stored in the storage space may impair StorHub’s normal operation condition. StorHub is entitled to take any necessary action to protect its benefit in case that the Storer gives no response after 3 days upon such written notice given by StorHub. When StorHub finds that the goods stored in the storage space are in violation of laws and regulations, StorHub shall immediately report to the relevant authorities for their decision to take action. For avoidance of doubt, StorHub reserves the rights to take any action it deems as necessary without any prior notice to protect the legal benefit of StorHub or the public interest in case of emergency. However, StorHub should notify the Storer after such action. Costs or expenses incurred hereof shall be solely borne by the Storer. 16. The Storer acknowledges that StorHub is an international group corporate whose headquarter is located in Singapore. To provide customers with better and comprehensive service, StorHub may provide service and support to Storer through overseas service provider appointed by the headquarter, and transfer or store the Storer’s personal information provided under this Contract to the headquarter or the service provider for the purpose of group operation management. The Storer agrees the terms hereabove. 17. The Storer has carefully read and fully understood the terms and conditions of the User Service Agreement/Privacy Policy/Disclaimers published on the website of StorHub( https://www.storhub.cn/ )and StorHub WeChat Mini Program. The Storer shall be deemed to agree and accept the provisions regarding the collection, usage, disclosure and storage of customer's personal information under such documents once the Storer uses products/services of StorHub or exercises and performs their rights or obligations under this Contract. 18. StorHub is entitled to open and enter into the storage space to cooperate with the governmental judicial authorities in the inspection of the stored goods when required by the governmental authorities. If the storage space is seized or detained by the governmental judicial authorities due to the storage of illegal goods by the Storer, the Storer shall bear all responsibilities and compensate StorHub losses occurred. Notice 19. All notices must be issued in writing. For avoidance of doubt, the written notice can be delivered via WeChat, e-mail, message, fax, or courier. 20. The mobile phone number provided by the Storer shall be deemed as the contact information of the Storer by which StorHub can contact the Storer. 21. The Storer shall provide StorHub the emergency contact information. In case of any change of the contact information of the Storer or the emergency contact person, the Storer should notify StorHub immediately, otherwise, the Storer shall bear all liabilities as a result of not giving notice to StorHub. 22. The Storer must notify StorHub in writing of the change of address or contact details of the Storer and/or the alternate contact person registered on the new customer registration form within 7 days from the date of change. Otherwise, all liabilities resulting from failure to receive notice sent by StorHub will be borne by the Storer. Termination 23. Upon the expiry of the Lease Period or termination of this Contract for any reason whatsoever, the Storer shall remove all goods stored in the storage space and leave the storage space in a clean and good condition (same as the condition of the commencement date of storage), save as normal deterioration. Otherwise, the Storer will be deemed to waive the ownership of the stored goods. StorHub is entitled to forfeit the deposit and enter into the storage space to clean and dispose the items, change the password of the storage space or lock the storage space. StorHub shall not be responsible for any damage to the items and the losses caused thereby. StorHub is entitled to dispose the stored goods by auction or sale, proceeds obtained from the sales/auction will be paid for the payment owed by the Storer. StorHub may engage lawyers or debt collection institutions to collect payments, all fees and costs incurred for sales/auction/collection will be borne by the Storer. 24. In the event that the Storer keeps occupying the Storage Space or other space nearby after expiry of the Lease Period or the termination of this Contract, StorHub may take back such space anytime at StorHub’s discretion, whilst the Storer shall continue to perform its obligations (including paying double rental fees) during the period of occupation. 25. StorHub may early terminate this Contract by serving a prior notice to the Storer. When the notice cannot reach the Storer, StorHub will give notice to the emergency contact person. 26. StorHub may early terminate this Contract with no prior notice when the Storer acts in violation of laws or regulations, or materially defaults under this Contract which results harms to normal business of StorHub. In the event that the Storer breaches this Contract or the Rules and fails to rectify the default within 5 days upon the rectification notice from StorHub, StorHub shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving the Storer a written notice, then take back the storage space, and confiscate the deposit or prepaid rental fees as liquidated damages, if such liquidated damages are insufficient to cover losses suffered by StorHub, the Storer shall make up for the deficit. 27. The Storer hereby waives any claims, proceedings, compensation for damages resulting from disposal or sale of stored goods with emotional and/or sentimental value by StorHub. 28. The liabilities in connection with payment of outstanding amounts, compensation for damages to properties or personal injury will survive after the termination of this Contract. Miscellaneous 29. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in an emergency when the property, environment or human life or public interest is threatened (in StorHub’s sole opinion), StorHub may enter into the storage space to take necessary measures without the prior consent of the Storer, however, StorHub shall notice the Storer as soon as possible after entrance. 30. Without prior written consent of StorHub, the Storer shall not transfer its rights or obligations under this Contract to any third party. 31. Oral statements of StorHub or its employees do not constitute part of this Contract. Any course of conduct or failure or delay of StorHub in exercising or enforcing any right or remedy hereunder shall operate or be construed as a waiver thereof. 32. The Storer hereby waives the right of first refusal to the storage space when StorHub sells the storage space or the whole property during the Lease Period. 33. This Contract is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. 34. In case of any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract, both parties shall attempt to settle the disputes by mutual consultations. If the disputes remain unsettled after 10 days of the disputes, either party may submit the disputes for litigation in the court where the storage space is located. 35. All policies, terms and conditions or notifications declared by StorHub onsite, on StorHub’s website or WeChat Mini Program constitute an integral part of this Contract. StorHub may amend from time to time the terms of this Contract after giving prior notice to the Storer. The Storer is entitled to stop leasing storage space provided by StorHub when not accepting such amendments. But if the Storer continues to use storage space or the services provided by StorHub after such amendments take effect, the Storer shall be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to be abide by the updated terms of this Contract. The Storer confirms that all terms of this Contract have been fully negotiated between the parties. The Storer acknowledges that terms exempting StorHub from liability or restricting the Storer’s rights have been adequately read and understood. The parties have reached a mutual understanding of all terms of this Contract and have no objection to the terms of this Contract. |